Stream of Thought is a casual conversations amongst friends. Rix Thorsell and Victor P Marquez embark on a new journey every episode with any topic under the sun within limits, and the fun stops when Victor and Rix start. Join us on this journey, and as always, we hope you... enjoy!

Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Ep. 233 - What’s the Value of a Quarter?
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022

Saturday Feb 26, 2022
Ep. 232 - The Swan Song
Saturday Feb 26, 2022
Saturday Feb 26, 2022
"Hey, Bob, guess what? I'm writing a book!"
"No kidding! That's great! What's it about?"
"I'm not sure yet, but I'm writing one"
*eye roll*
We've all been there before. That one friend/family member/neighbor/co-worker who likes to talk the talk but doesn't necessarily walk the walk.
You know who has written a book? You guessed it... RIX!! Actually he's written three and will most likely write another three because there's just way too much content. Anyway, enough witty text. Just hit 'play' and we'll go about the usual storytelling/antics.
We hope you... enjoy!

Sunday Feb 20, 2022
Ep. 231 - Holy Water w/Ice
Sunday Feb 20, 2022
Sunday Feb 20, 2022
It's been a while... but only because we're cookin' up content and every savory meal takes time. This ain't no microwave dinner. Anyway, welcome back to another episode of Stream of Thought! Today we discuss sleep habits, our top three favorite beverages and the ever present conflict drama that exists amongst those in dire need of true love and attention.
And as usual, we hope you... enjoy!

Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Ep. 230 - Full Frontal
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
In this entertaining episode, Victor steps in dog crap. As if that wasn't enough, Rix shares his experience with a full body massage while Victor gives his take on some European massages he's had over the years. Then, there's some reminiscing about when Victor had to sell cable at a hardware store and the hustle we need to find fulfillment in life. Fun times! So with a wild episode #230 of Stream of Thought, we hope you... enjoy!

Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Ep. 229 - The Flood Gates Have Opened
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Welcome back! Ever been in a room full of talking heads where EVERYBODY feels the need to give their two cents on the matter? My goodness. "The Flood Gates Have Opened!" Rix and Victor share their experiences and the common nuances that pave the way. Congratulations to Rix! Why? He's completed 7 years without gambling! Rix opens up about his recovering gambling addiction and the dangers that lead to one's downfall.
We hope you... enjoy!

Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Ep. 228 - Beware the Birds
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
Thursday Jan 13, 2022
On Episode 228 of Stream of Thought, Rix shares a moment of terror when over 500 birds take flight over him. Then Victor overhears a conversation on a park bench that might have been better kept indoors. Finally, Victor and Rix talk a little about gatherings in the new year, and some other random thoughts. So with that being said, episode number 228... we hope you.. enjoy!

Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Ep. 227 - A Gift of Chips and Salsa
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Today, Rix starts off with the same thing we all feel at this time of year, and this year especially: holiday travel SUCKS! Then, in another shared experience, Victor rips into restaurants that serve salsa that looks and feels more like soup. Then, what's in a gift? With Christmas in the rearview mirror, Rix talks about a really awesome tech gift he got out in the New Jersey, and what he was able to give in return.
Then, a bit of a Venting Victor with his trip to the chiropractor and the unexpected cost to him. Which brings us full circle to what being a good person means in a season like this; how can we be the best versions of ourselves? You'll have to listen and find out.
So with episode 227 in the books, as always, we hope you... enjoy!
Donate to #TeamSeas https://teamseas.org/ - for every dollar donated, a pound of trash will be removed from the ocean.
Copyright 2022 Rix Thorsell & Victor P Marquez
All Right Reserved

Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Ep. 226 - The Cost of Storytelling
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Victor and Rix are back after a brief hiatus! What's been going on the last month?? Rix was in Florida taking a break from the cold weather hanging with Grandma while Victor continues to live in paradise in sunny Southern California. But what exactly made Rix nearly crap his pants!? Hint: a bad haircut. But no worries, his ingenuity saved the day! Victor also shares his side of a story between himself, Rix and another high school friend while Victor visited back home. The laughs don't stop as the two are happy to share stories at their expense (mostly Rix lol). So, secure those earbuds, turn up the volume and get ready for another episode of, Stream of Thought!!

Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Ep. 225 - It‘s All About Who You Know
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Thursday Dec 09, 2021
Today, a delayed episode from service weeks ago, this episode has aged like a fine wine... or maybe like milk depending on who you ask. Victor starts off with some parking troubles he's been having recently... oh bureaucracy. That is unless you know the right people, a story that Rix has to share about a recent high power meeting he had with some New Jersey powerbrokers. How will that turn out? You'll have to listen to find out. And so with episode 225 finally published, look forward to a fresh episode coming out soon, and as always, we hope you... enjoy!
Copyright 2021 Rix Thorsell & Victor P Marquez
All Rights Reserved

Monday Nov 01, 2021
Ep. 224 - Location, Location, Location!!!
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
We have a special episode as Rix describes the immaculate mansion he toured near Philadelphia for a house blessing ceremony. But it doesn't stop there. Ever see a double rainbow? What about from a rooftop while overlooking the skyline? Father Rix has been living it up these days. High-end East Coast weddings and the experience of the finer things in life. Meanwhile, Victor is just people-watching at the park, though just as entertaining!

Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Ep. 223 - Freedom!
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Saturday Oct 23, 2021
Today Victor and Rix discuss going to the zoo... is it good or bad?? Also, when can you get rid of annoyingly outdated technology. And finally, what experiences have we had, with or without parents' permission. All this and more for episode 223 of Stream of Thought. As always, we hope you... enjoy!
Copyright 2021 Rix Thorsell & Victor P Marquez
All Rights Reserved

Monday Oct 18, 2021
Ep. 222 - Incognito
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Monday Oct 18, 2021
Dressing up and moving in stealth can be quite the adventure when it's for laughs. However, Rix's boss wasn't cracking a smile. So, why then did he not want to be seen? Details to come! Also, a few small observations that had Victor catch the giggles. He explains what he witnessed and why children are an endless source of entertainment. The two then reminisce on growing up and share a few experiences in regards to getting lost!
So with that being said, another episode sure to tickle your fancy and make you laugh on this episode of Stream of Thought. And as usual, we hope you... enjoy!

Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Ep. 221 - Paralysis
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
With Halloween approaching, we've a scary story about feeling paralyzed while you're between the dream world and the real world. What do you do when you're conscious but not able to move, no matter how hard you try? Then, rain in Los Angeles?? Victor shares his joy. Then finally, Rix experiences his first experience with a police officer funeral in New Jersey. And yes, there will be helicopters. So with that, epsiode 221 in the books, as always, we hope you... enjoy!
Copyright 2021 Rix Thorsel & Victor P Marquez
All Rights Reserved

Friday Oct 08, 2021
Ep. 220 - Pâté & Vodka: A Minister‘s Guide to FUN!
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Have you ever met a minister who's thrown a few back at the reception of the wedding he just officiated?? Well, now you have. Listen as "Father Rix" explains the camaraderie he experienced taking a couple shots of vodka and how he almost went unpaid for his work! Victor then shares a few pieces of advice and gives his two cents in regards to the material he's read in some recent books. But what's an SoT episode without Victor having a few laughs at Rix's expense? Because we have that too on this episode of Stream of Thought!

Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Ep. 219 - The Tangled Webs We Weave
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Today, Victor and Rix go through a couple of interesting experiences, a bit disturbing in different ways. While Victor get a full frontal, Rix has a therapy session for his time in New Jersey. Also, what's the deal with CAPITALIZATION? When is it useful, and what does it mean. Both entertaining and reflective, episode 219 is in the books, and as always, we hope you... enjoy!
Copyright 2021 Rix Thorsell & Victor P Marquez
All Rights Reserved

Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Ep. 218 - Johnny Jackass and the Outback Wait-house
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Saturday Sep 25, 2021
Rix is ready prepped and ready to go, but where is Victor?? Lying in bed?? If only their phone call prior to the episode could have been recorded. Details to come... What's the longest amount of time you've spent at a restaurant waiting for food? We guarantee it doesn't come anywhere close to what Rix experienced. And speaking of experiences, what happened to Rix at the wedding he officiated that got him a bit worked up? Regardless, you'll have plenty of laughs at his expense. Victor sure did.
We hope you... enjoy!

Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Ep. 217 - Of Mice and Men
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021

Monday Sep 13, 2021
Ep. 216 - Free the Children!!!
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Welcome back! Victor kicks things off discussing a recent home improvement project that has him glowing with pride. Rix, on the other hand, is not too happy having to deal with unruly children during a church service. His discovery as to the 'why' will have your heads spinning. But probably not as much as all the grammatical errors you might find in his first published book! Yes, Rix is re-reading his old fantasy novels and brings a bit of nostalgia to the episode while he brainstorms some new ideas as to what direction to take the series!

Monday Sep 06, 2021
Ep. 215 - Human Error?
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Monday Sep 06, 2021
How can you make other people happy? Rix talks about trying to navigate a flight plan from Chicago back to New Jersey dealing with passive aggressive people on all sides. Then, Victor has an experience in the park with a... portable child port-o-potty? Finally, we end on a lighter note with some fun stories on Victor going to game with some friends, and how that turned out. So with that being said, episode 215 of Stream of Thought, as always, we hope you... enjoy!
Copyright 2021 Rix Thorsell & Victor P Marquez
All Rights Reserved

Friday Sep 03, 2021
Ep. 214 - the insect child
Friday Sep 03, 2021
Friday Sep 03, 2021
Victor witnesses a boy turned creature. Rix navigates his way through delusional wedding couples. Can you guess a few of the disturbances Victor has witness in libraries? Or what about the similarities between Rix and his wedding couple? More giggles to come on this episode of Stream of Thought! We hope you... enjoy!

Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Ep. 213 - Losing Your Shirt
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Rix has some observations about Victor's attire... a button shirt with 3 buttons undone?? There's a bit of contention over the way to wear a dress shirt. But then, Victor loses something small and valuable, but the way he responds is priceless. Finally, a bit of gaming chat, for those of us who appreciate the simple beauty of an old school gaming console, what would it take to make the switch? Rix gives his thoughts on some recent experiences. So in a pack episode of Stream of Thought, we hope you... enjoy!
Copyright 2021 Rix Thorsell & Victor P Marquez
All Rights Reserved

Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Ep. 212 - Back in the States
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Sunday Aug 22, 2021
Victor has returned from Spain! Listen as he shares his experience! But not before discussing his pit stop in New York/New Jersey where he met with Rix and Father Joe (previous episode). What exactly had Rix sweating bullets? And what had Victor absolutely amazed while getting around NYC? The laughs don't stop, so step on the bus and enjoy the ride that is Stream of Thought. We hope you... enjoy!

Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Ep. 211 - Up, Up & Away
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
The adventures continues as Rix meticulously recalls a Catholic service he was forced to conduct on his own and the trouble that occurred. Victor then discusses his upcoming trips to the East Coast and Europe. Will he, or will he not, bring his roller skates??

Saturday Jul 31, 2021
Ep. 210 - Pins & Needles
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
Saturday Jul 31, 2021
Today, Rix starts off by sharing a first for him: going to an acupuncturist. Will it hurt? Is he scared? Speaking of scared, Rix also gives a recounting of almost being run off the road while he and Father Joe are headed back from preforming a wedding by a crazy biker gang. Victor cools things down a little bit with his experiences in retail and some recent frustrations of having to deal with bad customer service. That and more on Episode 210 of Stream of Thought; we hope you... enjoy!
Copyright 2021 Rix Thorsell & Victor P Marquez
All Right Reserved

Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Today is a special episode, because we have a frequently discussed, but little heard from guest, Father Joe Ciccone! And boy is it a conversation. Victor and Fr. Joe can't help but roast Rix for a bit, but then the conversation turns to Victor's addiction to roller skating... is an intervention needed? Who better to call than a Priest!
Then, with Victor, Rix and Fr. Joe all changing their paths at various points in their life, what's fear got to do with it? What drive each of these very different individuals and what scares them? Fr. Joe, as a former police officer, shares his own moments of great fear, which open Victor and Rix to express the uncertainty in their own lives in a rare insightful exchange.
So with episode 209 in the book, listen and take notes, and as always, we hope you... enjoy!
Copyright 2021 Rix Thorsell & Victor P Marquez