Stream of Thought is a casual conversations amongst friends. Rix Thorsell and Victor P Marquez embark on a new journey every episode with any topic under the sun within limits, and the fun stops when Victor and Rix start. Join us on this journey, and as always, we hope you... enjoy!

Monday Jun 26, 2017
Ep. 7 - ¡La Policía, La Policía!
Monday Jun 26, 2017
Monday Jun 26, 2017
On this episode of Stream of Thought Rix begins to tell the tale of his most recent encounter with the POLICE!!! Did we mention he was pulled over while riding his bike? And it wasn't because the police officer wanted to compliment him on his stellar biking skills. Victor and Rix continue by discussing Victor's 6-month absitence from alcohol and our country's drinking culture (Yay, Victor, you get a GOLD star). Later, they find themselves in another "stream of thought" discussing the wonders of Life and our journey as human beings. Their talk wraps up with a dash of politics regarding the length of presidential terms and the current state of affairs in the United States.

Monday Jun 26, 2017
Ep. 6 - Memes & Models
Monday Jun 26, 2017
Monday Jun 26, 2017
Memes & Models. What else is there to say? ;)

Monday Jun 26, 2017
Ep. 5 - Ballz to the Wallz
Monday Jun 26, 2017
Monday Jun 26, 2017
Nothing grinds Rix's gears like political disourse, but prior to expressing his frustration with the current political climate, he makes his agitation known toward Victor and his technical inability to get anything right even though everything was cool as a cucumber and it was all in Rix's head. Speaking of Rix, our program later explores what it was like for him to move from the quiet West Suburbs of Chicago to the noisy, hustle and bustle of New York City. Also, a brief introduction to college stories. YAY!

Monday Jun 26, 2017
Ep. 4 - Dreamer
Monday Jun 26, 2017
Monday Jun 26, 2017
I said Dreamer, you're nothing but a dreamer
Well can you put your hands in your head, oh no!
I said "far out, what a day, a year, a life it is!"
You know, well you know, you had it comin' to you
Now, there's not a lot I can do...

Monday Jun 26, 2017
Ep. 3 - LEaRNinG iS fUn :)
Monday Jun 26, 2017
Monday Jun 26, 2017
Ever get that random text message from somebody who clearly thinks you're somebody else? What do you do, reply back "wrong number"? BORING. Listen to Victor's correspondence with a random texter as he plays it off and pretends to be the girl the random guy is interested in. Rix gets his news from reliable sources on the internet, Victor gets his news from Instagram (@JerryNews). Listen as the two duke it out as to what is reliable, what is not and how certain programming contorts its information in order to keep their viewers in a designated sphere of influence. Of course it's not an episode of Stream of Thought without Victor bitching, egh...um...*cough cough*, venting, it's not an episode of Stream of Thought without Victor venting about what gets under his skin during a segment of "Venting Victor". Listen to these topics, and more, on this episode of Stream of Thought!

Monday Jun 26, 2017
Ep. 2 - %@^Identity Crisis!!#*&
Monday Jun 26, 2017
Monday Jun 26, 2017
Believe it or not, prior to the name, "Stream of Thought", Rix and Victor struggled to make ends meet in finding the most perfect combination of letters and words that best reflected their audio endeavor. What were some of those names??? Wait...Rix used to do improv!? Victor does improv! Cool. And how do these two talking heads know each other? High School of course. Listen on as the two stare off into space and reminisce during a segment of "High School Stories". Victor had Saturday morning detention!? Listen and find out how it all went down!

Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Ep. 1 - Ignition, BLAST OFF!!!
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Welcome to the very FIRST episode of Stream of Thought!!! Victor and Rix start things off by revealing why they love podcasts and discuss a few they enjoy. Rix then gives his two cents on a book he's never read by an author he doesn't care for - what!? How ironic since he claims to always see the big picture in his "forest filled with trees" analogy. Speaking of books (and forests), what do Victor and Rix find attractive in women? Intellect. For Real? YES! Why? Because they're well-mannered, academically-inclinded, chivalrous gentlemen who ought to be sporting three-piece suits and a side of pocketwatch with a dose of mus-tache 24/7. If you're up for adventure and enjoy great conversation, hop on board and join them on this non-stop, fun-filled, multifarious journey we call the human experience.