Stream of Thought is a casual conversations amongst friends. Rix Thorsell and Victor P Marquez embark on a new journey every episode with any topic under the sun within limits, and the fun stops when Victor and Rix start. Join us on this journey, and as always, we hope you... enjoy!

Sunday May 24, 2020
Ep. 133 - The Simple Things of Life
Sunday May 24, 2020
Sunday May 24, 2020
Today's episode begins with Rix noticing something peculiar about Victor's face, but at least it provides the two with a few chuckles. Wait, did somebody say "Taco Tuesday"? Feeling a little bitter having to deal with the swath of brainless masses, Victor takes a moment to find joy in the simple things that Life has to offer when working in management. Speaking of the simple things in life, remember that relic of a past time of going to the movie theatre? Rix discusses a few of the movie genres that he and his family enjoy watching for family movie night. But the most important theme in today's episode probably has to do with Rix and Victor discussing the importance of developing one's resourcefulness and thinking for one's self, as opposed to drinking the Kool-Aid provided by the Feds.
So with that being said, Episode #133 of Stream of Thought, we hope you... enjoy!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Thursday May 21, 2020
Ep. 132 - Pest Control
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
What an episode we have today! Rix starts off with showing Victor a new electronic toy that finally came in today, and his fear of adapting to new technological environments. Then Victor talks about his bewilderment visiting the beach on his birthday to find that NO ONE was wearing a mask, or socially distancing! Then the two bounce back to Rix sharing a unique pizza and movie night with his family during quarantine, and those horrible pests that can interrupt any good time when there's food laying out. So as always, with episode 132 in the books... we hope you... enjoy!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Friday May 15, 2020
Ep. 131 - 32 Trips Around the Sun
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
Welcome back! Today's episode begins with a quick update in the present day, the inconvenience of a particular life necessity and the terrible moment when Victor spilled a drink all over his new laptop!! ouch.
But what is an episode of Stream of Thought without discussing a certain reoccurring theme, the wonderful advantages of internet, and of course, Victor's birthday!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Tuesday May 12, 2020
Ep. 130 - Troublesome Troubleshoot
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Today's episode begins as smooth as ever without a single technical difficulty... NOT! Find out what the heck is going on and who's at fault (Hint: it's not Rix). Though nearly 6 months away, and not on anybody's mind, Rix and Victor discuss a few of their favorite Halloween costumes/memories. Why? Because at this point, any discussion regarding the memory of what it was like congregating in large groups is acceptable. But wait! Don't forget about the epic camping trip that Rix almost attended. The story is sure to make sense and provide clearer insight as to the volatile dynamic between the two.
So with that being said, Episode #130 of Stream of Thought, we hope you... enjoy!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Sunday May 10, 2020
Ep. 129 - Technical Difficulties
Sunday May 10, 2020
Sunday May 10, 2020
Back again and as always, we start off today with an issue of technical difficulties in this new world, entertaining as always, in addition to a little back and forth about GAMBLING that Victor and Rix talk about. Then we touch base on learning curves in life in quarantine, our own personal hygiene and whether it's worth trying to keep ourselves looking and feeling young in any situation! So as always, with Episode 129 of Stream of Thought, we hope you... enjoy!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Monday May 04, 2020
Ep. 128 - Chicken of Death
Monday May 04, 2020
Monday May 04, 2020
Big Brother is always watching, which is why Rix and Victor start things off with a good laugh in regards to Victor's state-of-the-art security measures on his laptop. Speaking of state-of-the-art, what was the most coveted video game console of the 1990's?? Nintendo64! Rix and Victor take another trip down Memory Lane as the two discuss the revolutionary console and one game in particular that was sure to make, and break, friendships. But wait! What's an episode of Stream of Thought without one of the two bitching about something. That's right, we've got another Ranting Rix. What's his beef this time? Click "Play" to find out! And as usual, we hope you... enjoy :)
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Ep. 127 - The Circle of Trust
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Thursday Apr 30, 2020
Oh yes, there's a bunch of things to catch up on this episode of Stream of Thought. From Victor's new work experience after quarantine and how he's dealing with that, to the meat shortage that we're all about to deal with (which Victor is skeptical about), we've got a whole lot of things to talk about. Then there's the question life in general, which Victor and Rix break down through Rix's experience with his brother. It's a fun and random stream of thought, where in episode 127, that we hope you... enjoy!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Monday Apr 27, 2020
Ep. 126 - Schoolyard Brawl
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Does Victor have a new secret admirer in this new quarantine world? A little care package and note that mysteriously appears might suggest so. Then Rix shares a little movie night he and his family had, and what a more wholesome way to do that than with a Will Smith movie.. which get Victor and Rix off on a tangent about the billion movies Will Smith's been in. Then we take a sharp turn to some childhood experiences, including the only times either Victor and Rix got into fights.
It's a fun filled Episode #126 of Stream of Thought, and as always we hope, but are sure, that you... enjoy!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Ep. 125 - Diatribe (n)
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
What a day, what a day! Our journey begins with a small observation of Rix's basement and the history behind some of its decor. Diatribe (n) - a forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something. Yeah, we've got one of those too. It's like a Venting Victor or Ranting Rix but with a side of extra fancy. And in what way does Victor attempt to diminish Rix's superiority? By testing his lexicon of course. The results, and aftermath, are sure to entertain. But no one will be able to fathom the monstrosity that is Rix's current computing capabilities. The word, "Zombie", is certainly appropriate... as is "Frankenstein".
So with that being said, Episode #125 of Stream of Thought, we hope you... enjoy.
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Friday Apr 17, 2020
Ep. 124 - Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Board games. AKA The Breaker of Friendships. If you wish to get to know someone at their core, watch how they behave while getting a beat down in MONOPOLY. Desperation, financial uncertainty, GREED - this Parker Brothers classic is sure to entertain and bring laughs (at the expense of sore losers). Then, the political arena. What will happen come November? How do we vote if everything is closed?? We'll figure it out. And what's up with stoplights? They're looking awfully suspicious. Find out what causes Victor to believe in his stoplight conspiracy. Alas, the time you all have been waiting for, Episode 124 of Stream of Thought, we hope you - enjoy...
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Ep. 123 - "Hear, Ye! Hear, Ye!"
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
For an Easter weekend, Victor and Rix sure have a lot to share, starting with Rix getting back into the ministry groove during Lent and what Victor has to say about that from his own perspective after listening to a few of Rix's online sermons. Then we take a walk down memory lane and recount the different from in person conversations and video chats we did back in the day when we ran the Str8 Up! YouTube channel. Victor then brings up some raw feelings about some failed recording we had now and in the past, and then it transitions to the idea of... brainwashing...? Are Rix and Victor victims of this horrible condition? You'll have to listen to find out! But we round it out with a brief talk on both avoiding politics and news while still trying to live in an objective reality. Always entertaining and rarely informative, there's nothing better than sitting back on a quarantined Sunday and enjoying a Stream of Thought like this!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Monday Apr 06, 2020
Ep. 122 - "OK, Boomer..."
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
What do you get when you have an organization that refuses to use email and only communicates via Facebook? A RANTING RIX!!! He's got a lot of problems with some people, and you're all going to hear about it! What organization, you say, refuses to use email in preference to an outdated social media platform? One that is led by a narcissistic, old fart. He (Ranting Rix) doesn't make as much of an appearance as Venting Victor, but when he does, blood is sure to run in the streets. Watch OUT as we unravel the thread that started it all on that frustrating, blood-boiling day. Without further adieu, we present to you, RANTING RIX!
*growls & gnashing of teeth*
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Ep. 121 - Dreaming & Streaming
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Just hit 'Play'. You'll get the idea...
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Ep. 120 - Down with the Sickness
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Check? Yes, please! Stimulus checks are upon us, Wedding season is ruined, parks are closed. Noooooo! I suppose that's life for the time being. But until we're allowed back outside for play, perhaps we can entertain ourselves with candid reflection and frivolous banter.
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Ep. 119 - Throwing It All Up
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
CLIMATE CHANGE. And, no, we're not talking about the ecological imbalance caused by human negligence, but rather a change in social climate. Anybody else notice how people seem to have eradicate their unwarranted, contemptuous behavior (aka being a f*cking a**hole) given the current state of affairs? Because Rix and Victor certainly have. Also, what prompted Rix to refuse a delicious donut? Why wouldn't someone want to indulge in a tasty treat? And the cherry on top, as Rix says, our twist ending! What happens, as usual, will surely entertain and put a smile on your face as we enter Episode #119!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Ep. 118 - Alive & Well: The Return
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
THEY'RE BACK!! After being on hiatus for over a year, Rix and Victor finally return! How is it that a visit to the doctor can be so exciting? The old adage, Money Makes the World Go Round, is certainly true after Rix divulges the conversations that took place in his office building. But it's not a true episode of Stream of Thought without a quick segment of VeNTiNg ViCtOR *insert angry emoji here*. And on the more productive side, Rix is in the midst of a special project. What could it be! Find out now on the first episode of a new era of STREAM OF THOUGHT! And as usual, we you... enjoy!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Ep. 117 - Yes, We're Still Here...
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
WOW. An entire year and only one episode. Wtf? Well, I guess that's what happens sometimes. But it makes the episode that much more special, you say? Why, yes! Yes, it does! So stop bitching about the past and live in the present as we catalogue another moment in time and present to you the gift of entertaining conversation. In this episode, Victor and Rix talk about upsetting podcasts, jokes, Rix's decade of famine and a recap on what it's been like for Victor completing one year in LA. Wait, there's more? Of course! But why put into text every little thing we talk about when you can listen as you go about your day!?
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Ep. 116 - Until Next Time...
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Another Christmas MIRACLE! What a treat! The SoT duo are unexpectedly reunited as Victor returns for a last minute trip back home for the holidays. What's on the menu for today's helping of brain food? Rix's new toy, apartment hunting snafus, internet installation mishaps, holiday stories and New Year aspirations. So take off your boots, ease up on the layers and get rid of the sniffles because fresh out the oven is a full-sized serving Stream of Thought made just for YOU!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Ep. 115 - And So It Goes...
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
This is not the end. UNTIL NEXT TIME! We mean, uh, until further notice...
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Ep. 114 - Dream of Thought
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
The usual gamut... again :)
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Ep. 113 - I Like Beer
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
The usual gamut :)
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Saturday Oct 06, 2018
Ep. 112 - Die Another Day
Saturday Oct 06, 2018
Saturday Oct 06, 2018
Rix and Victor return after a two-month hiatus! Yes, Rix is back in town! On today's episode they discuss the recent changes MoviePass made to their user agreement and how it's affected Victor. The two then segue into Michael Moore's, Farenheit 11/9. *Mind BLOWN* What's that? Rix is reading a money management book? "You can do it! And You can do it! And YOU CAN DO IT!". Bro, calm down. If everybody could do it, everybody would be filthy rich. Anybody whose been hit by a car at 70mph while riding their bicycle and has lived to tell about it raise their hand... *Rix raises hand*. Do tell! ...
Hold on tight as we launch into another episode of Stream of Thought, and as usual, we hope you... enjoy!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Thursday Sep 06, 2018
Ep. 111 - SoT TBT Rev. Dr. Lillian Daniel
Thursday Sep 06, 2018
Thursday Sep 06, 2018
Welcome to the Stream of Thought Throwback Thursday series! This episode features, Rev. Dr. Lillian Daniel. As mentioned in our Special Announcement, the Throwback Thursday series were recorded during the time of Str8Up! For more details as to what the heck we're talking about go back and give it a listen!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Saturday Aug 25, 2018
Ep. 110 - SoT TBT Sonya Robinson
Saturday Aug 25, 2018
Saturday Aug 25, 2018
Welcome to the Stream of Thought Throwback Thursday series! This episode features National Physique Committee (NPC) competitor, Sonya Robinson. As mentioned in our Special Announcement, the Throwback Thursday series were recorded during the time of Str8Up! For more details as to what the heck we're talking about go back and give it a listen!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Thursday Aug 16, 2018
Ep. 109 - SoT TBT Elliott Hulse
Thursday Aug 16, 2018
Thursday Aug 16, 2018
Welcome to the Stream of Thought Throwback Thursday series! This episode features internationally renowned strength & conditioning coach, and Strongman, Elliott Hulse. As mentioned in our Special Announcement, the Throwback Thursday series were recorded during the time of Str8Up! For more details as to what the heck we're talking about go back and give it a listen!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved