Stream of Thought is a casual conversations amongst friends. Rix Thorsell and Victor P Marquez embark on a new journey every episode with any topic under the sun within limits, and the fun stops when Victor and Rix start. Join us on this journey, and as always, we hope you... enjoy!

Thursday Aug 09, 2018
Ep. 108 - SoT TBT Jazmin Akea
Thursday Aug 09, 2018
Thursday Aug 09, 2018
Welcome to the Stream of Thought Throwback Thursday series! This episode features singer/songwriter, Jazmin Akea. As mentioned in our Special Announcement, the Throwback Thursday series were recorded during the time of Str8Up! For more details as to what the heck we're talking about go back and give it a listen!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Monday Aug 06, 2018
Monday Aug 06, 2018
Monday Aug 06, 2018
Rix is back in town for a surprise visit, and what better way to spend his extremely limited time than to record another episode of Stream of Thought!? Today, Rix brings us up to speed on the completion of what he's been working toward the last several months. What happened that made his Facebook presenece spike? (Not of his choosing ha). Victor then reveals a fun and surprising story from summer camp several years ago; creating your own opportunity... What? Rix living out a nightmare of personal purgatory??? Buckle up as we now head to the next frontier: 200 episodes!! *No pit stops wil be made on this endeavor* And as usual, we hope you... enjoy!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Ep. 106 - SoT TBT The Boy Illinois
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Welcome to the Stream of Thought Throwback Thursday series! This episode features Chicago rapper, The Boy Illinois. As mentioned in our Special Announcement, the Throwback Thursday series were recorded during the time of Str8Up! For more details as to what the heck we're talking about go back and give it a listen!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Monday Jul 30, 2018
Ep. 105 - Truck Nuts
Monday Jul 30, 2018
Monday Jul 30, 2018
Could this be the last time Rix and Victor record Stream of Thought in their current studio? Hopefully they've got more in them (pending Rix's schedule of course). May the gods and goddesses of podcasting allow us to grace us with his presence once more... *record scratch* But until that happens we've got another great episode! Victor witnesses ROAD RAGE, Rix realizes today may be the last time they record in their current studio, and of course, The Never-Ending Saga of Irrational, Bitter Individuals: Occurrences and Observations - a novella by Rix and Victor with an honorable mention of those who are over-joyous and potentially psychotic.
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Thursday Jul 26, 2018
Ep. 104 - The Magical Powers of Nostradamus
Thursday Jul 26, 2018
Thursday Jul 26, 2018
Good news! Rix is still in town! Yay! The two start things off by Rix bringing Victor up to speed on the country's main source of entertainment that is POLITICS. He then informs Victor of the soon to be boxing match between two major YouTube personalities that have huge cult followings yet are disregarded by mainstream America. Things take a turn upon the discussion of aliens and the magical powers of Nostradamus, and the conversation finally ends with a brief dissection of our place in the universe.
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Sunday Jul 22, 2018
Ep. 103 - Fashion Fruit
Sunday Jul 22, 2018
Sunday Jul 22, 2018
Surprise! Rix is back in the studio! On this episode of Stream of Thought Rix and Victor catch up on their recent activities and future plans. The two also discuss a series of unfortunate events... Hint: it has to do with bicycles falling over (Ouch! but only for Rix). Rix + Style? The two go together like Oil and Water. Not this time. Rix sports some super trending shoes which prompts Victor to discuss Summer styles and pastel-colored clothing and moRE!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Friday Jul 20, 2018
Ep. 102 - Sot TBT Dominick Ngantou
Friday Jul 20, 2018
Friday Jul 20, 2018
Welcome to the Stream of Thought Throwback Thursday series! This episode features artist, Dominick Ngantou. As mentioned in our Special Announcement, the Throwback Thursday series were recorded during the time of Str8Up! For more details as to what the heck we're talking about go back and give it a listen!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Ep. 101 - SoT TBT Evan Carmichael
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Welcome to the Stream of Thought Throwback Thursday series! This episode features entreprneur, Evan Carmichael. As mentioned in our Special Announcement, the Throwback Thursday series were recorded during the time of Str8Up! For more details as to what the heck we're talking about go back and give it a listen!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Ep. 100 - TRIPLE DIGITS!!!
Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Is this real life? Did we really make it this far? Could it all be a dream? NOPE! It's finally here, the moment we've anticipated since Day 1. EPISODE 100!!!!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Ep. 99 - SoT TBT Nate Burrows
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Thursday Jun 28, 2018
Welcome to the Stream of Thought Throwback Thursday series! This episode features comedian, Nate Burrows. As mentioned in our Special Announcement, the Throwback Thursday series were recorded during the time of Str8Up! For more details as to what the heck we're talking about go back and give it a listen!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Thursday Jun 21, 2018
Ep. 98 - SoT TBT Claude King
Thursday Jun 21, 2018
Thursday Jun 21, 2018
Welcome to the Stream of Thought Throwback Thursday series! This episode features clinical therapist, Claude King. As mentioned in our Special Announcement, the Throwback Thursday series were recorded during the time of Str8Up! For more details as to what the heck we're talking about go back and give it a listen!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Monday Jun 18, 2018
Ep. 97 - SoT TBT Dr. Shannen Boyd
Monday Jun 18, 2018
Monday Jun 18, 2018
Welcome to the Stream of Thought Throwback Thursday series! This episode features Dr. Shannen Boyd who was also on Stream of Thought (Episode 79). However, the episode you're about to hear was recorded roughly two years prior.
As mentioned in our Special Announcement, the Throwback Thursday series were recorded during the time of Str8Up! For more details as to what the heck we're talking about go back and give it a listen!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Saturday Jun 09, 2018
Ep. 96 - SoT TBT Nakita Collins
Saturday Jun 09, 2018
Saturday Jun 09, 2018
Welcome to the very first episode of our Stream of Thought Throwback Thursday series! This episode features Nakita Collins who was also on Stream of Thought (Episode 66). However, the episode you're about to hear was recorded roughly two years prior.
As mentioned in our Special Announcement, the Throwback Thursday series were recorded during the time of Str8Up! For more details as to what the heck we're talking about go back and give it a listen!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Thursday May 31, 2018
Special Announcement!
Thursday May 31, 2018
Thursday May 31, 2018
No details to be found here. You'll have to listen to find out!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Saturday May 26, 2018
Ep. 95 - Can You Hear Me Now?
Saturday May 26, 2018
Saturday May 26, 2018
Welcome as Stream of Thought takes place simultaneously in both the Chicago and Minneapolis suburbs! How, you say? Victor and Rix record their phone conversation. The two catch up on their usual antics since the time Rix moved to Minnesota. Conversation may include but not limited to: garden gnomes, feeding chipmunks and pop music. Listeners are advised.
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Monday May 21, 2018
Ep. 94 - Pancake Breakfast, NOM NOM NOM < - - -
Monday May 21, 2018
Monday May 21, 2018
What better way to start the morning than with a free pancake breakfast?? Caution: peculiar conversations with strange, old men ahead... Yes, there was a rather interesting encounter... And what's the best way to earn free pizza? Emailing customer service. Bloop bleep bloop bleep - does not compute - free pizza to fix dissatisfaction - bloop bleep bloop bleep... Ahhh, nature, so relaxing. Kick off your shoes and feel the negative energy melt away as your toes say hello to the grassy knoll...
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Monday May 14, 2018
Ep. 93 - Realm of Reality
Monday May 14, 2018
Monday May 14, 2018
Wow. Buckle Up and get ready for your mind to be BLOWN as Victor and Rix get super metaphysical on our understanding of the Universe and the perception we have of reality...
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Friday May 11, 2018
Ep. 92 - Lost in the Woods
Friday May 11, 2018
Friday May 11, 2018
For Episode 92 of Stream of Thought, Christmas has come early for Victor! Rix brings in old family record albums and they sort through a collection of music that will bring back memories for anyone a fan of the 60s or 70s.
Then, a "Ranting Rix" as Victor asks a question he knows will get a response from his counterpart. He shares his general sentiment on the state of the world and U.S. and a little info on what's going on with the global stage.
Victor follows up with a story about a walk in the woods to a film project he had a sinking feeling about. But he's in it for the experience and what his latest role in a student film taught him is good advice for everyone.
And finally, we close with an update to Stream of Thought. We've got some changes coming and Rix shares a little about what'll be the future of our little podcast.
Episode 92 of Stream of Thought, we hope you... enjoy!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Sunday May 06, 2018
Ep. 91 - Population Overload
Sunday May 06, 2018
Sunday May 06, 2018
Previously recorded from the Chicago Suburbs, it's STREAM OF THOUGHT!!!!!! Rix and Victor kick things off talking about SNL and their latest opening sketch, when the two began watching the show on a regular basis and moments in television that everybody remembers. What!? Rix's family has vinyl records for Victor to sift through because they don't want them anymore? GOLD MINE (stay tuned for potential treasures). Thanos, a comic book character simply misunderstood, and what similarities do the Marvel world and real life planet Earth have in common?
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Wednesday May 02, 2018
Ep. 90 - Never Say 'No'... unless they're an A**hole
Wednesday May 02, 2018
Wednesday May 02, 2018
Well today on episode 90 of Stream of Thought, we deal with the human psyche. Victor goes into an acting gig without knowing what exactly he's getting into, and both Rix and Victor discuss how a sour experience can turn into something... magical.
This of course goes into a deep dive on what makes a person a good person or an a-hole, and whether or not certain people can be reasoned with. There's quite a bit of back and forth and Victor and Rix discuss what is acceptable in the public sphere.
An intense and thought-provoking episode, we launch into episode 90 with abandon, and as always, we hope you... enjoy!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Sunday Apr 29, 2018
Ep. 89 - Dragon Energy
Sunday Apr 29, 2018
Sunday Apr 29, 2018
Wait, so the Donald and Kanye West are buds?? Anything can happen in America. #Kanye2020. Apparently Donald Trump has a soft spot for parades, glowing orbs and jelly beans. Animal Critters! What does Victor aspire to do someday? Build a humble abode with little creatures like that scene in Ace Ventura when he walks into his apartment and they all come out of their hiding place to show him affection and love. Awwww... Also, Rix's fascination with Beyonce. Who knew he was such a fan!?
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Ep. 88 - Life Skillz
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
On episode 88 of Stream of Thought, Victor and Rix touch off their conversation with a conversation on some basic life skills. Should everyone know how to do certain things? Spell, swim, start a fire? Should others think less of you if you don't have a certain life skill? We discuss.
Then, we hit the first turn of our 400 meter dash with the joy and thrill of sports during childhood, along with the agony of waking up with little sleep every morning as a youth.
But we're young and stupid, so we obviously go into some of our dumber choices as children and how those events reflect on our personalities now as adults.
A nice stroll through the park, Episode 88 will fill with you nostalgia, and as always, we hope you... enjoy!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Ep. 87 - Earth Day
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Happy Earth Day! Not every story has a happy ending, especially when last year Victor made an attempt to save and care for a piece of Mother Nature on this special day. Flip-flopper!! *points finger* Shame. Shame. Shame. Yes, people are allowed to change their minds as they evolve into more intuitive and open-minded human beings, even politicians. What's on TV? Nothing, because most of today's great programming is available on Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, YouTube, etc. Rix and Victor discuss the drastic change in entertainment since their upbrining in the 1990's (whoa, the 1900's...). And finally, Summer ACTIVITIES!!! Summer movies and the pool are right around the corner!

Saturday Apr 21, 2018
Ep. 86 - Eigthy-Six
Saturday Apr 21, 2018
Saturday Apr 21, 2018
No way!? An impromptu trip to Los Angeles to escape the nasty Midwest weather!? Kewl. Airfare: cheap and basic versus high class. You're hired, no wait, now you're fired.

Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Ep. 85 - I Wanna Be Like Mike
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
On Episode 85 of Stream of Thought, Victor and Rix make the weather a little better by talking about the joys of “getting adjusted.”
Then, a trip down memory lane and Victor discovers a newspaper from 1993 in the Chicago Tribune right after Michael Jordan announced his first retirement from the game.
And finally, TV shows and favorites. As you might guess, both Victor and Rix have very different takes on their top five. Tune in to find out! And as always, we hope you... enjoy!