Stream of Thought is a casual conversations amongst friends. Rix Thorsell and Victor P Marquez embark on a new journey every episode with any topic under the sun within limits, and the fun stops when Victor and Rix start. Join us on this journey, and as always, we hope you... enjoy!

Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Ep. 84 - A Trip to the DMV
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
Thursday Apr 12, 2018
What better way to start to the podcast than a trip to the DMV. *Hulk Voice* RIX ANGRY. RIX THINK OTHER PEOPLE STUPID. RIX... DESTROY!!!!! Easy, big fella. What's got this guy wound up? Find out in our segment, "Ranting Rix". Mystery Solved. Victor finds out why one of his movie making experiences was so... abstract.

Sunday Apr 08, 2018
Ep. 83 - Lights, Cameras, Action!
Sunday Apr 08, 2018
Sunday Apr 08, 2018
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood as Victor shares with us his overjoyous experience on the set of "Moon Miner", his not so great experience on a different student film and some unanticipated observations. Tide pod challenge (ingesting poison), reforming gun laws (challenging the status quo, yay!) and now the condom snorting challenge (how did we get back to this nonsense?). Seriously, America? How did our youth get here? Oh, that's right, the Interwebs. "You Can't See Me" Yes, we can, John Cena, and your words are both entertaining and enlightening.

Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
Well, episode 82 of Stream of Thought is a rumble of sorts, starting with the sad news of a shooting at YouTube in their headquarters in California. But after remarking on the state of affairs for online personalities, Victor and Rix change gears to talk about pranks, how gullible a person can be and some other mischief.
Then, in reflection on the Easter season and family time, Rix shares an experience of a surprise confrontation and happens when two people on the same side of an issue disagree. But we round it all out with looking at family and Victor's heritage, what that meant for him growing up and what assimiliation into the American culture looks like.
So in yet another entertaining and rolling episode of Stream of Thought, here's episode 82, and as always, we hope you... enjoy

Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Ep. 81 - Getting Drunk at the Grocery Store
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Amazing how tiny, little adjustments can have the most magnanomous effects. What minute changes did Victor make on his cellphone that make it feel brand new?? What was the catalyst for one of these changes? The attempt to download an app. Find out which app and what Rix has to say about the short and long-term effects. Hint: it has to do with busniess models. Dranks on Dranks on DRANKS at Mariono's with their $2 craft beer special; an introduction to 21st century shopping. Thank YOU, creativity!

Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Ep. 80 - Stupid is as Stupid Does
Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Welcom back! On this episode of Stream of Thought Rix recaps his trip downtown Chicago for the March for Our Lives rally at Union Park. What an event! Then, a Facebook fallout? Potential government regulation, why? Because even those whose arguments are incoherent, impulsive and hold no tangible evidence somehow find a way to make equal, if not more, noise than our country's most distinguished scholars and professionals, thus contributing to the hinderence of our youth's intellectual voracity. On a happier note, remember social media before it became social media? Prior to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media as we know it, was a more loving and kindred spirit... yes, we're talking about AOL Instant Messenger. Victor and Rix reminisce on the nostalgia of instant messaging well before the era of text messages and social media.

Sunday Mar 25, 2018
Ep. 79 - Dr. Shannen Boyd
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
check out Shannen at www.doctorboyd.com!
Stream of Thought is back with another guest! SHANNEN BOYD! *confetti/airhorns/flashing lights* Shannen went to high school with Victor and Rix. She's also a chiropractor who has her own practice at HealthSource in Wheaton, IL.
We take time to talk health and wellness, tech, and travel back in time with some high school memories. Victor and Rix learn a bunch as Shannen schools listeners on some pretty simple facts about the body and how simple changes can make your life so much better!
There's lots of laughs and giggles in this episode, along with some deeper insights and conversations. So with that being said, sit back and listen to Episode 79 with Dr. Shannen Boyd, and as always, we hope you... enjoy
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Thursday Mar 22, 2018
Ep. 78 - The Proof is in the... ethanol?
Thursday Mar 22, 2018
Thursday Mar 22, 2018
As organized and efficient Rix claims to be, the erratic and nonsensical placement of his toiletries prove otherwise. Can anybody tell us why Square Dancing is the state dance for nearly half the country? Rix can! And it's origins will shock you! If you were ever that kid in gym class that always got his ass whooped in wrestling, you and Victor have something in common. Ever wonder why we use the term "Proof" to describe the amount of alcohol in liquor? Rix and Victor go head to head.
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Sunday Mar 18, 2018
Ep. 77 - Spidey-Sense Tingling!
Sunday Mar 18, 2018
Sunday Mar 18, 2018
What better way to begin the podcast than to successfully avoid a conversation with those you don't wish to encounter. Listen as Victor's intuition saved them from a potentially time-consuming conversation with the cleaning lady. Technology. How quickly today's innovations turn obsolete. Take a stroll down memory lane as the two reminisce on old shutter cameras, flip phones and floppy disks. Indianapolis, Indian'r: the Crossroads of America. The pros and cons of Chicago vs. Indianapolis.
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Ep. 76 - SHOTGUN!
Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
Wednesday Mar 14, 2018
WHOA!! Victor and Rix are all over the place in the 76th episode of Stream of Thought. A few hard turns and abrupt stop and starts as they mention. The two hop around from talking about Donald Trump's diet (Diet Coke, Diet Coke, Diet Coke!), the national high school walk-out and golf. Plenty more to get into but we'll stop it right here. HINT: fish banging movie? What? Err.. nevermind. Enjoy #76 as the two unload a couple rounds of shotgot blasts that are certain to keep you entertained. And as usual, we hope you... enjoy!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved
For all inquiries, positive and negative (because we know you have some), please forward to:

Sunday Mar 11, 2018
Ep. 75 - Bending Over for the Right Stuff
Sunday Mar 11, 2018
Sunday Mar 11, 2018
It’s Episode #75 of Stream of Thought! And Victor and Rix drive by politics as primary season in Illinois are leave the roads littered in campaign signs. Annoying? Yes, but Victor shares that it’s not as annoying as his experience at Purdue University.
Then, what’s up with daylight savings time? Some interesting facts to help enlighten you at this dark hour.
And finally, power and influence. Obviously with politics on our mind that’s where we go first, but know what popularity means and how to manage it are valuable things to know for anyone on social media.
So set your clocks and get ready to listen to a milestone, and as always, we hope you... enjoy!
Created and published by Victor P Marquez and Rix Thorsell
Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved

Thursday Mar 08, 2018
Ep. 74 - Movie Magic
Thursday Mar 08, 2018
Thursday Mar 08, 2018
On Episode 74 of Stream of Thought, Victor starts with a journey to see Black Panther that began frustrating and ended... well you’ll just have to listen to find out.
Then, keeping on a movie tear, Rix and Victor dive into what makes a movie memorable; do you remember a moment, a scene, that made you come to a revelation? It really raises the bar for what a "good" movie actually is.
And finally, the Oscars and Charlize Theron. Rix shares how he’s warmed to Jimmy Kimmel and how Victor’s love of Charlize is justified in the latest episode of Hot Ones on YouTube.
So, in a celebrity filled edition of Stream of Thought, we hope you... enjoy!

Sunday Mar 04, 2018
Ep. 73 - Should You be Friends with a Murderer?
Sunday Mar 04, 2018
Sunday Mar 04, 2018
Welcome back to another episode of Stream of Thought! And... can you hear me now? Yes, after 73 episodes, Victor and Rix discuss how sound checks might still be a good thing.
And then, Victor's got his plate full with 5 acting auditions in 7 days which has him running on high gear with a few stories sure to amuse. This is followed by a little story time by Rix, which you can take or leave.
But don't leave before you listen to the last 15 minutes! Rix and Victor take on some philosophical questions; like can you be friends with a murderer? Quite a variety of topics on today's episodes, so we hope you... enjoy!

Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
Ep. 72 - Neil Mbateng
Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
Wednesday Feb 28, 2018
It's been way too long since we've spend some quality time with Neil Mbateng. Then again he's too busy traveling the world: China, Indonesia, Ireland and Israel to name a few. We catch up on old times and also get Neil's take on the zeitgeist of numerous social, economic and political times of our time, thus the use of the word "zeitgeist". Relax, hit play and let the good times role as we sit with one of our oldest friends, Neil Mbateng.

Sunday Feb 25, 2018
Ep. 71 - Horizontal and Happy
Sunday Feb 25, 2018
Sunday Feb 25, 2018
Welcome back as we continue on our journey through the ebb and flow of life we call, Stream of Thought. What's better than appreciating the beauties of models on Instagram, receiving acknowledgment from one. Yay for Victor! Tired, confused, tense, overwhelmed? We've got a solution for that!! Ahhh, a deep tissue massage. The many benefits of having a woman rub oil all over your body, or man if that's the way you like to swing *eye wink*. And last but certainly not least, RANTING RIX, AHHHH!!! Frustrations with YouTube and the current state of the channel he manages.
NEWSFLASH: We're now on Stitcher Radio. What does that mean, you say? It means that even though you enjoy using imcompatible technology with everyday life (non-iPhone users), you can now listen to our podcast on your smart phone.

Friday Feb 23, 2018
Ep. 70 - SoT After Dark
Friday Feb 23, 2018
Friday Feb 23, 2018
Find the Stream of Thought audio podcast on iTunes and Stitcher!
Episode #70 is a journey from the simple moments of joy, as Victor delves into with his unique journey of a $200 haircut and that process that entailed.
Then, a trip back in time to high school in the early 2000s. No security, no locked doors and about as much freedom as a mischievous teenager could want. Victor and Rix talk their experiences and how things changed in 2005-2006. High school became a place of exploration to a military facility that tried to crush freedom.
But you know, we don’t bring this up for any particular reason... just cause.
So in this surprising and reflective episode of Stream of Thought, we hope you... enjoy!

Sunday Feb 18, 2018
Ep. 69 - Assume the Position
Sunday Feb 18, 2018
Sunday Feb 18, 2018
Time Managment. How advanced would our society be if 99% of the population didn't get sucked into the vortex of meaningless social media posts/updates. Why is it that we crave constant information and what can we do to discipline ourselves in a world that constantly requires our attention, or so we think? GUNS, a subject in the abyss of opinions that recently saturated the internet. Big thank you to everybody that feels the need to express their thoughts and feelings regarding every facet of every topic ever... NOT. Would people express the same opinion/tone in a in-person conversation that that over the world wide web?

Friday Feb 16, 2018
Ep. 68 - Moral Ambiguity
Friday Feb 16, 2018
Friday Feb 16, 2018
Health and wellness. A healthy life is a happy life. Running outside versus running on the treadmill. You roll a stop sign but nobody is around to see it happen. Did you "break" the law? What happen when following the law actually presents a potential threat to the safety of others? Strong facts versus weak facts. How do they hold value and can any dumbass throw them around arbitrarily? The last year as obviously proven that to be true..

Sunday Feb 11, 2018
Ep. 67 - All You Need is Love
Sunday Feb 11, 2018
Sunday Feb 11, 2018
Victor and Rix briefly discuss the recent (heavy) snowfall in the Chicagoland area. Rix's brother gets stuck in the driveway, Victor's dad buys a snowblower and salt is taking over!! Also, Victor hurt his thumb? Too bad, so sad :/ Then, Religion and Spirituality: a dissection of the higher powers that be.

Thursday Feb 08, 2018
Ep. 66 - Nakita Collins
Thursday Feb 08, 2018
Thursday Feb 08, 2018
Welcome to a VERY SPECIAL episode of Stream of Thought featuring Nakita Collins (youtube.com/justnakitavlogs)! Nakita's an old friend from back when we were all YouTubing together. Now Nakita is back to give an update on how her YouTube pursuits are going. With her channel focusing on Travel, Beauty and Lifestyle, we cover all those topics, along with how YouTube is changing, the state of our national politics and culture (#MeToo) as well as some movies and shows that are transformative for Nakita and Victor (while Rix gets scolded for not seeing these "must see" shows). A high-paced and entertaining show, episode 66 of Stream of Thought is not only the longest podcast we've taped but it also goes by the fastest. So buckle in and as always, we hope you... enjoy!
Check out Nakita's channel at JustNakitaVlogs on YouTube!

Sunday Feb 04, 2018
Sunday Feb 04, 2018
Sunday Feb 04, 2018
It's SUPER BOWL SUNDAY and what do Rix and Victor talk about?? NOT the Patriots vs. Eagles. Why? Because it would become super outdated super fast, sooooo, they talk about about camping instead and the not so smooth problem Victor had to solve while he backpacked in Colorado. The conversation then finds its way into sports and where they sit on the list of priorities for Victor and Rix. WARNING: Listener may experience mild, but tolerable, rants from "Venting Victor". We hope you.. enjoy!

Friday Feb 02, 2018
Ep. 64 - Hidden Treasures
Friday Feb 02, 2018
Friday Feb 02, 2018
Rix is back from Florida, Victor found some treasure, and it’s still cold as ballz in the Midwest! Why Rix could not bring back some warmth from the Sunshine State we’ll never know… On today’s episode of Stream of Thought Victor shares with us the small tool he discovered and why it provides him with so much value, Rix dissects the State of the Union address and the two wrap things up with ADS ADS ADS. BUY THIS! BUT THAT! MONEY!!!! "No, we're perfectly content with our current footwear and cellular device..." With that being said, we hope you... enjoy!

Sunday Jan 28, 2018
Ep. 63 - Twin Brothers Greg and Mike Coady: Part II
Sunday Jan 28, 2018
Sunday Jan 28, 2018
And we're back for Part II with Twin Brothers Greg and Mike Coady! If you missed their previous appearance on Stream of Thought, be sure to go back to Episode 40 to catch up on what they divulged (do it. extremely entertaining). It's been nearly 3 months since their last appearance with Rix and Victor and the four are back at Second City Chicago. Get an idea for their future aspirations as actors, what the two are currently doing now, and of course, a couple more stories that would make any loving mother shit her pants. And without further delay, we present to you the 63rd Episode of Stream of Thought; Ladies and gentlemen, we give you, Greg and Mike Coady...

Thursday Jan 25, 2018
Ep. 62 - Ron DiCicco
Thursday Jan 25, 2018
Thursday Jan 25, 2018
Join us on a special episode of Stream of Thought as actor/comedian, Ron DiCicco, joins the conversation. Taped at Second City Chicago, Ron discusses his roots in the comedy scene, why he has a passion for acting, and what inpsired him to move from Detroit to Chicago. Be sure to savor every moment as this enounter is certain to become a "hidden gem" upon the whirlwind of publicity sure to envelop the talents of Ron DiCicco in the near future. With that being said, "turn off your mind, relax and float down stream" as we dive into another pool of consciousness we call, Stream of Thought.

Sunday Jan 21, 2018
Ep. 61 - "Docking"
Sunday Jan 21, 2018
Sunday Jan 21, 2018
Hide yo kids, hide you wife because the internet is watching! On today's episode of Stream of Thought Victor and Rix have an in depth converstation regarding the negative aspects of social media and how it cripples the very nature of humans beings interacting with one another. The two also discuss exciting, yet sCaRY, technological advancements and what people can do to remain "safe" from unwanted observation. Intermingled in the conversation an LOL moment when Victor teaches Rix a new vocabulary word. Hop onboard as we bridge another gap and as usual, "We hope you... Enjoy".

Thursday Jan 18, 2018
Ep. 60 - Wardrobe Malfunction
Thursday Jan 18, 2018
Thursday Jan 18, 2018
We're back in rare form for episode 60 of Stream of Thought. Oh yes, the conversations range from Victor's ancient earbuds to his all-grey attire and some other fun and pointless bullshit. But around 25 minutes in we hit on a topic that's sure to engage some thoughts; the #MeToo movement and Aziz Ansari. This is a tricky topic and Victor and Rix walk the tightrope of two white guys on a topic they're actually pretty unfamiliar with. And then, the nature of human emotion and reaction. How do we interact with one another, can we brush off negetivity and embrace the positive? Find out on this surreal episode of Stream of Thought!