Stream of Thought is a casual conversations amongst friends. Rix Thorsell and Victor P Marquez embark on a new journey every episode with any topic under the sun within limits, and the fun stops when Victor and Rix start. Join us on this journey, and as always, we hope you... enjoy!

Sunday Oct 08, 2017
Ep. 32 - The Weinstein Warning
Sunday Oct 08, 2017
Sunday Oct 08, 2017
The bill has come due for Harvey Weinstein, which according to the amount he paid out to his victims, probably wasn't high enough :-)
Anyways, the reason we talk about this on a new episode of Stream of Thought is that Victor's hopes at a future in "the Industry" will likely have something to do with the politics that created this whole mess. Rix gives a little insight from the New York Times story and asks the question: Where will Victor draw the line? You'll have to listen to find out.
Then we switch gears for a tasty segment we like to call "why has Victor been to McDonald's so many times these past few weeks?" Maybe it has something to do with the mystery of what interesting things will happen when he's waiting for his meal (which has definitely been taking WAY longer than it should).
And finally, some fun with gun regulation and politics. Not really, but it's a unique conversation between someone who doesn't follow the issue and someone who has followed it probably too much. Nothing too intense, and definitely no shouting over each other.
Strap in for the ride as we head into episode 32 of Stream of Thought! We hope you... enjoy

Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Ep. 31 - NUDE Photos NOT Required
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
Thursday Oct 05, 2017
What's upset, distressed and can't be seen?? RIX!! lol
R: "Dude, I was standing at the end of my driveway so you wouldn't have to pull in"
V: "Dude, you're wearing all black and it's completely dark out".
R: "And why's the volume all the way up!?!? My mom is SLEEPING!!!"
V: "The volume's perfectly fine. Stop turning it down"
R: "SERIOUSLY!? Sound carries. I would know. It's my house."
V: "Well, the good news is we're not in front of your house anymore..."
In today's episode we learn why Rix's brain was turned upside down and inside out when Victor picked him up, but he can't have all the attention, so Victor briefly discusses the audition he had right before taping today's episode. What's it like getting started? How do you get an agent? What? People in that industry will try and take advantage of you? Remember that time Victor and Rix had a YouTube channel and it was really fun until the three of them (and Neil) would get upset and stressed out over trivial matters? Lol. We do. Listen as the two shit on smaller YouTube channels, including themselves and how they have so much more fun and excitement for podcasts. And the mystery topic of the day is... you'll have to listen to find out. Hint: It inolves Victor standing his ground and another person getting upset that he can't be controlled. 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 - Episode 31 - We hope you... ENJOY!

Sunday Oct 01, 2017
Ep. 30 - Down and Dirty
Sunday Oct 01, 2017
Sunday Oct 01, 2017
Who would've thought Rix likes to get DOWN and DIRTY!? Listen as he shares his story from his Tough Mudder race where he trudged through grime, scaled slick walls and flipped giant tires! What an experience! What's next on his list of EXTREME activities? Polar Plunge? Skydiving? Swimming with sharks? Maybe just the polar plunge for now. Rix and Victor share their favorite moments of adrenaline, excitement and injury as they look back and share what gave them the utmost joy growing up; and it wasn't the cheap, dumb-looking, extra safe, plastic constructions today's society attempts to pass off as playgrounds. Give us burning, hot aluminum slides, give us sand that gets in our eyes, give us narrow, steel bars with reminants of paint that have traces of mercury! Give us PLAY!!!

Thursday Sep 28, 2017
Ep. 29 - Blast from the Past!
Thursday Sep 28, 2017
Thursday Sep 28, 2017
Memes & Models, Models & Memes - what event prompted Victor to favor these two areas of Instagram? "Rix Thorsell...resident novelist", that was front page of the March 2006 issue of The Glen Bard, their high school newspaper, which they randomly came across as they walked in to the office. Victor, a party animal? Hear what happened when he threw a party at his house back in high school and how his mom found out. What awards did the two receive at their Senior Most Awards?? Hint: it fit them quite well. Also, Rix, a rule-break?? Why did he toss his morals out the window and do away with his oath to not drink until the age of 21? No, it was not peer pressure, but a meticulously, calculated decision that gave him solace inside of his grueling and near intolerable regiment. Take a trip down memory lane as the two look back on high school experiences on this episode of Stream of Thought, and as usual... we hope you... enjoy...

Saturday Sep 23, 2017
Ep. 28 - sPLaSh!
Saturday Sep 23, 2017
Saturday Sep 23, 2017
You're upside down, you feel your phone slowly slide out of your pocket, you extend your arm in a desperate attempt to recover the air-born instrument, all while happening in slow motion - and THEN... the roller coaster continues and your realize your phone is GONE! One of many instances that Rix and Victor encountered since the age of CELL PHONES. What else have they gone through? Clue: it's too intense to even put into text! Though you should proceed with caution... "Hello?? Can you not appreciate the artisitic phenomena that's ocurring right in front of you?? B*tch get off dat fone", thought Victor as he and his scene partner rehearsed in front of a passerby. What happens when you need pants temporarily but don't actually want to buy them? But what could possibly happen where somebody would put themselves in this type of situation? For the betterment of entertainmnet, Rix and Victor divulge all in this episode of Stream of Thought...we hope you...enjoy...

Wednesday Sep 20, 2017
Ep. 27 - Getting into GEAR!!
Wednesday Sep 20, 2017
Wednesday Sep 20, 2017
Vroom...vroom... VROOM!! Imagined Rix as he mounted his bicycle only to notice his tire was completely flat. What happened? Sabotage!... Unlikely. Listen as he describes the surgical procedure regarding his bicycle and the hiccups along the way. A podcaster that stopped listening to podcasts!?!? Victor currently put his podcast listening on hold as he dives back into music for a reason that will be sure to surprise you. Who knew he cared so much and approached his project with such care and detail. Ignorance is bliss... but that doesn't mean you can be an asshole. An associate of Rix believes he has the right to use whatever language he pleases in reference to minorities because they're just "words"...bitch, please. Then... a surprising, yet pleasant, interruption sure to keep you on your feet. We finally wrap things up with a tale of the past. That's right, COLLEGE STORIES. Victor shares the details as to the aftermath of a keg race that took place at his apartment Senior year.
My what a long description... why are you still reading... click 'play' and ENJOY!

Saturday Sep 16, 2017
Ep. 26 - ALL ABOARD the Stress Express (the Lexicon Line)
Saturday Sep 16, 2017
Saturday Sep 16, 2017
What happens when you've got way too much going on in your day, your dog starts barking for no reason and you're running behind on schedule? Then, thanks to your go-to liqour store changing locations down the street, you add a few extra minutes and miss your train. So what's one to do Well, Victor has his own solutions that feed his growing motivation to NOT drive anymore.
Nothing eases the unease of a stressful day like our favorite segment, Fun With Words! Is Rix as smart as he thinks he is? Victor tests him with some unusual words he found in preparing for a scene in his class at Second City Chicago.
And finally, a special moment witnessed by Rix after their last episode. All we'll say is that it involved a language barrier coming down in an instant and a transformation of humanity you have to witness firsthand to understand.
In a light-hearted episode number 26, we hope you... enjoy!

Wednesday Sep 13, 2017
Ep. 25 - /ejəˈkāSH(ə)n... eddUka.shon... ed..u..ca..tion?
Wednesday Sep 13, 2017
Wednesday Sep 13, 2017
BELTS! BELTS! BELTS! Ever get that, "My pants don't fit" feeling? We do! Why do they fit so snug in the store and after a few months they seem to be too loose? Mystery solved during this episode of Stream of Thought. Not really but it's entertaining for a few moments before Victor discusses his encounter with a homelessman and how that man stole his beer. Remember back in school when rumors were deemed as facts. Interesting how today's world also finds slander to be incontrovertibly true, especially when it deals with public figures even though the individuals on social media no nothing about them. Yes, there were, are, and still to come moments in YOUR life that can be put under a microscope to make you look like a demon even though you're an angel at heart. /ejəˈkāSH(ə)n...eddUka.shon...ed..u..ca..tion? What is the ultimate outcome? Grades or a nostaligic journey to enlightenmnet? ADDERALL!!! Listen as Rix and Victor discuss their vast differences of opinion regarding our education system, and more importanly, their personal experience. Buckle Up, Bitch. It's GO TIME!

Saturday Sep 09, 2017
Ep. 24 - The Hills Have Eyes
Saturday Sep 09, 2017
Saturday Sep 09, 2017
Welcome back! Six whole days since our last episode. That makes it almost a whole week. That was a close one! *Sigh of Relief*. Victor finally has his car back? What was the total damage? Rix takes a few guesses. Over or under $1200? Remember that PSA announcement from the 1970s to "Keep America Beautiful"? No? It's the the one with the Native American shedding a single tear. Yes, that one. Well, we talk a little bit about recycling, carbon footprints and what we currently do (and don't do) that contribue toward the downfall of humanity and it's lack of respect toward Mother Nature. WE'VE SAVED THE BEST FOR LAST! What is it? BOOBS. What? Like when you were in 4th grade and entered 5-8-0-0-8 on the calculator and then flipped it upside down. Rix knew of somebody that was written up for sexual harassment because he stared at a woman's cleavage for one too many milliseconds (be careful guys). Another contrasting opinion between Rix and Victor is sure to set your socks on fire and make you rethink our cultural norms. Get on the bus and strap yourself in. Here we gooooooo...*hands in the air, sharp descend into oblivion, stomach drops* (ENJOY!!!!!)

Sunday Sep 03, 2017
Ep. 23 - It's Elementary My Dear
Sunday Sep 03, 2017
Sunday Sep 03, 2017
Ever have that feeling where you're about to DIE!??? Victor has, and it's not the first time. Learn how a shoelace almost got the best of him. Rix a demon-child? Never! His middle name is, "Damien"??? Not really, but you're about to be exposed to the tip of the iceberg. Vroom Vroom VROOM!! Not so much for Victor, his car has been in the shop all week. Will the repair be over or under $1200? PLAY BALL! Rix is actually not that great of a softball player as he made himself out to be in one of our previous episodes. Remember that scene in The Sandlot where we're introduced to Scotty Smalls? It's kind of like that...

Thursday Aug 31, 2017
Ep. 22 - Need for SPEED!!
Thursday Aug 31, 2017
Thursday Aug 31, 2017
"I've got one speed... GO!", said Rix whilst he screamed maniacally down a quiet, peaceful suburban road at 95mph. And Victor? He was pulled over and nearly arrested after reaching +105mph down I-290. Grab your brandy, grab your cigar and join the two fireside as they converse over the matters of reckless driving, innocent, yet annoying human behaviors, the age of social media and savory, delectable eye candy... enjoy...

Sunday Aug 27, 2017
Ep. 21 - I'm Getting Too Old for this Sh!t
Sunday Aug 27, 2017
Sunday Aug 27, 2017
It’s episode 21, and it’s time to pArTy!!!. Victor's friends from good ol' Indan'r come to Chicago where they have no choice but to get a little silly. Beer you say? Wine you say? FIREBALL you say? However, upon transitioning to the next day somewhere between 5:30am and 10:00am (when Victor finally slept) his body saught revenge for the damange he'd done.
On a more positive note, Rix shares a few tasty recipes he enjoys preparing for himself that are sure to whet your appetite. Victor could care less as time and effort are two things he wishes NOT to partake in when making food.
The two then wrap up by talking about Unity, Truth and Virtue in the age of adolescence. With that being said, we hope you... enjoy *insert tribal rhythm and nicotine monkey here*

Thursday Aug 24, 2017
Ep. 20 - Breakfast Blend
Thursday Aug 24, 2017
Thursday Aug 24, 2017
Coffee or Tea? YOU DECIDE! According to Victor, tea is the obvious choice but knowing Rix, he will probably analyze both scenarios, gather the pros and cons from each side and then draw an unbiased, but sound, conclusion as to what to ingest. Moving on... wait, what's that? Victor's boss is mysteriously fired!?!? Was it prostitutes? Probably not, but just in case it was, Victor had nothing to do with it... or did he?
Life is Life. wtf? Be sure to listen all the way through Victor and Rix discuss meditation and prayer and what it means to be fully aware living in the present moment. All Aboard the Learning Express! CHOO CHOO!

Sunday Aug 20, 2017
Ep. 19 - Total Eclipse of the Heart
Sunday Aug 20, 2017
Sunday Aug 20, 2017
Great ideas should be followed with meticulous planning... should, but that's not always the case. What prevented Rix and Victor from driving to Carbondale, IL to view the 2017 Solar Eclipse in its totality? -> Detailed planning - Wah wah... But what's wrong with having no plan at all? Everything according to Rix.
Animals, Animals, ANIMALS! What did Rix find in his backyard that almost made him crap his pants? How did Victor feel after a small creature evaded his trap? And how did "thots" enter the conversation? All of this and MORE on Stream of Thought!!

Thursday Aug 17, 2017
Ep. 18 - GLUG! GLUG! GLUG!
Thursday Aug 17, 2017
Thursday Aug 17, 2017
What happens when two guys can't think about what to discuss?? Highschool/College stories that involve... ALCOHOL!!! GLUG! GLUG! GLUG! Ride the Drinking Express as Rix and Victor look back on the times they first began to drink, and their experience walking onto a college campus; but not before hearing about what happened to @barkypants_cheerio (Victor's Dog). Hint: he took a trip to the vet and underwent induced vomiting, so silly...

Sunday Aug 13, 2017
Ep. 17 - Don't Die Trying to Be a Superhero
Sunday Aug 13, 2017
Sunday Aug 13, 2017
Who wants to take boring cold medecine when you can whip up your own natural remedy!? While Victor's health recovers, Rix carries his parents' 75lb back door up and down a flight of stairs over half a dozen times.
After this banter, the two touch the topic of Charlottesville, Virginia where white supremacist rallies recently took place over. Surprising takes are offered as we try to work through some of the miscommunication going on over why Confederate statues are going down across the south.
Finally, we travel through time and unveil high school experiences sure to entertain and amuse.

Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
Ep. 16 - Heretical Deviant
Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
Wednesday Aug 09, 2017
Victor and Rix are back again, and this time it's all about mischievous behavior and benevolent people. For Victor's amusement, he shares a story from high school about a room full of teenagers packed like sardines, the police, and a couple collapsed fences. Rix, not having anything near as exciting from his own teenage years, talks a little about just how much trouble seminary students actually get in, and how that life behind the ivory towers of religious education are nothing like you might think (if you've never talked to a seminarian before).
This all comes around to what being a good person actually looks like, why we prefer charity that becomes from our own hands and not necessarily our wallets, and for anyone's amusement at the very end, some bullshit about how we can't get the sound just right after 16 episodes.
If you in anyway enjoyed this episode, leave us a review on iTunes. We’d love to hear your feedback!

Saturday Aug 05, 2017
Ep. 15 - Fisticuffs
Saturday Aug 05, 2017
Saturday Aug 05, 2017
In this episode of Stream of Thought, Victor shares a little about why he's been afraid to eat the past couple of days, which has nothing to do with his near-violent encounter with a litterbug he met while working on the televsion show, Chicago Med. This of course gets Rix on the track of whether or not violence is ever appropriate in a situation or if it's possible to "out smart" someone before it comes to fisticuffs. Finally, a dose of politics in the form of right versus left media, the problems with alternative realities and things that grind Rix's gears on both the left and the right.

Sunday Jul 30, 2017
Ep. 14 - bon appétit
Sunday Jul 30, 2017
Sunday Jul 30, 2017
Victor and Rix discuss the cost-benefit of spending money at restaurants, how much are you willing to pay to walk away with a full stomach? Do restaurants take adavantage of patrons who prefer an alluring presentation of food over that of sustenance? Get a listen for Victor and Rix's firsthand experiences in major cities and what they expected versus what they were served.

Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
Ep. 13 - Dream of Thought
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
Wednesday Jul 26, 2017
Victor and Rix dive deep into dreams as Victor recounts a vivid conciousness from another dimension and records it in his new "Dream Journal". The two also discuss youth and adulthood and how our 21st centure culture differs from that of the 1900's!$%!*)^!!

Wednesday Jul 19, 2017
Ep. 12 - Hollywood Hustle
Wednesday Jul 19, 2017
Wednesday Jul 19, 2017
What a day... When Victor woke up at 4am this morning for his gig on the Fox TV show, "Empire", he had no idea what to expect. After a 16-hour work day, he and Rix chat about the excitement on set, his role on the web series, "Southland Bounty Hunters" and the unpredictable rewards that manifest from hustling. When the director yells "it's a wrap!", you can't help but smile. Join us on our next step of the journey that is Life.

Friday Jul 14, 2017
Ep. 11 - Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
Friday Jul 14, 2017
Friday Jul 14, 2017
Rix and Victor discuss the pain (yet gain) of getting into shape, television classics (Power Rangers, Life with Louie, The Munsters) and small town corruption... we're talking about YOU Manhattan, IL!!! This episode of Stream of Thought is also complimented with a side of family dynamics, mischaracterization and as usual, a dollop of ignorance. "We hope you...enjoy..."

Monday Jul 10, 2017
Ep. 10 - A Tale of Two Travels: Part II
Monday Jul 10, 2017
Monday Jul 10, 2017
Welcome back as we continue "A Tale of Two Travels"! In this continuation of our previous episode Rix dissects the interesting yet entertaining idiosyncracies of his extended family upon his travels to the tropical land of Florida, Victor shares his underwhelming experience at the car wash in an attempt to stroll through memory lane (as he attempts to relive the magical whirlwind of soap, water and spinning cloth) and finally the two wrap things up with a speed round of random thoughts that streamline to yet another random sign-off.

Saturday Jul 08, 2017
Ep. 9 - A Tale of Two Travels: Part I
Saturday Jul 08, 2017
Saturday Jul 08, 2017
After returning from a 9-day hiatus, Victor and Rix catch up on their separate travels to foreign lands (LA and Tampa). Victor took a stroll through the glamorous Sunset Strip, Rix spent all weekend with family, ill-manored children included. Fun! Not. The two then discuss their brash differences in opinion regarding airlines/airports. Seriously Rix? You're a fan of Midway Airport AND Southwest Airlines??? Smh... Did we mention that while abroad in California Victor wound up in handcuffs? How did that happen? Listen and find out as the two go head-to-head in, "A Tale of Two Travels..." *Flashes of light, Fog Machine, COLORS!!*

Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Ep. 8 - Hard Knock Life
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Nosey neighbors...police...seriously? Victor recounts his story of a newbie on the block contacting the police regarding "a strange man's presence" (Victor standing in his front lawn and taking a moment to appreciate the awe and beauty of nature). We're later taken on a run toward Rix’s frustration with inept individuals who can't seem to accomplish the simplest of tasks and thus impede on his day-to-day operations so that he may swoop in and save the day. Kaleidescope. That's what you need to say to yourself when you experience something negative and need to turn it into a positive. Enough of the same old, "why me? why me?" bs and more, "what can I learn from this experience?" Learn how making the slightest shift in perception can alter your experience ten-fold and continue to witness the magic as Victor and Rix dissect our experience as human beings.